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The School Advisory Board is established by the pastor, in accord with diocesan policy, to assist him and the principal in the direction and guidance of the parish school. To be eligible for the board, a person must be an active parishioner and/or a parent with an enrolled child at St. Vincent de Paul School. A term of office is three (3) years and a member may only serve on the board for a total of six (6) years.

Father Mark Hammond

Cecelia Pitt

Tim Birie

Casey Adams - Board Secretary
Years of Service - 5
Converted through RCIA in 2009 when I married my husband, Cory, who has been a lifelong member of the parish. We have a child in 7th grade and a child in 3rd grade at St. Vincent de Paul School along with a baby at home. In addition to the Advisory Board, I have been involved in Parent Ambassadors, Auction Committee, Volleyball Commissioner, Volleyball Coach, Basketball coach and help with various activities through the year.

Kelly Duston
Years of Service - 4
Kelly is the teacher representative for the Advisory Board and teaches 4/5th grades at St. Vincent de Paul school. She coordinates the Fast ForWORD & Parent Ambassador programs. She also maintains all the tech equipment and is the IT Coordinator for the school. Kelly is going on her 2nd year as the Athletic Director for the Blue Streak sports programs. She and her husband, Nate, reside in Mount Vernon and have a son enrolled in first grade this year.

Curtis Adams
Years of Service - 4
Curtis is an alumni of St. Vincent de Paul school and has been a parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul church his whole life. You can usually catch him with his wife, Brooke, and 5 kids at the noon Mass on Sundays. All of his kids attend St. Vincent de Paul School - Kindergarten through 8th grade. He is an active member of Knights of Columbus serving as the financial secretary. He is also a member of the St. Vincent de Paul finance committee. He is the Director of the IS department at Knox Community Hospital and is often called on for IT advice for both church and school functions.

Ashley Phillippi - Board President
Years of Service - 3
I am a proud alumni of St. Vincent de Paul school, and have been a member of St. Vincent de Paul parish for 30 years. My husband Zach and I have three children, two of which attend St. Vincent de Paul school. I am honored to serve our school and parish community as a member of the School Advisory Board!

Brandon Bell
Years of Service - 3
My wife Krystle and I have been members of St. Vincent De Paul since 2008. We usually attend 4:30pm mass on Saturdays. We have seven children, one graduated from St. Vincent de Paul School, four currently attending and two yet to start. I am a Lector and Eucharistic Minister and an active 4th degree member and Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 847. I enjoy volunteering and attending parish and school events.
Hannah Newton
Years of Service - 2

Hannah has been happily employed at St. Vincent de Paul School since 2018 as a Preschool Aide, Program Assistant & Director in the Extended Care Program, and now as one of the Kindergarten teachers. She and her husband Adam are the proud parents of Isabella (alumni, 11th ), Levi (alumni 9th), and Sebastian (5th), who all attend, or have graduated from St. Vincent de Paul School. Prior to employment at St. Vincent, she served as a troop leader and vice-coordinator for American Heritage Girls scout troop #0377. Hannah is fully invested in the education and success of the St. Vincent de Paul students, staff
and community, and enjoys volunteering in many of the school’s activities and functions.

Lindsey Lamp
Years of Service - 2
Lindsey Lamp is a lifelong member of St. Vincent de Paul Church and graduate of St. Vincent de Paul School. Lindsey and her husband have three children, Brantley (3rd), Linnea (2nd), and Stetson (Kindergarten) that attend STV school. Lindsey enjoys volunteering at school events, going on school field trips and attending parish functions. Lindsey is grateful for the opportunity to serve as a member of the School Advisory Board.
Nichole Williams

Years of Service - 2
​Nichole was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. She graduated from St. Francis Desales high school in 2006. Her family relocated to Mount Vernon in 2021, where they joined St. Vincent De Paul parish. Nichole is the proud parent of her son, Brady, who is entering the 5th grade at St. Vincent De Paul. She enjoys volunteering in the cafeteria, helping with classroom parties, field trips, and other school events. She and her fiancé, Jonathan Williams, both enjoy participating in Bible study groups within the parish and can usually be found at the 10:00am mass on Sunday’s. Nichole is passionate about St. Vincent De Paul school and is looking forward to serving as a member of the school advisory board!

Johnny Ellis
Years of Service - 2
My wife Laurie and I have two children enrolled in St. Vincent. We understand and value the importance of a high-quality education and the impact it can have on a student's future. I am very excited to serve as a member of the school advisory board.
Thank you to all of our advisory board members for their time and efforts
towards the success & growth of St. Vincent de Paul School!
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