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Welcome Our New Seminarian! Anthony Whalen

Parents and students will be seeing a new face around the school this year!

We have a new Seminarian! Anthony Whalen was born and raised Catholic in Columbus. He and his family moved from the area when he was in his early teens. He left the Church during that time and eventually became a priest in another denomination. After some time he found his way back to the Catholic Church while he was living and working in Maryland. After discernment he entered the seminary for Baltimore last fall. After a good year of seminary formation he asked to return to Columbus where he still has family and to continue his studies and formation for the diocese of Columbus. He is currently then in a period of formation and probation for our diocese. Bishop Fernandes has assigned him to St. Vincent de Paul and St. Luke's in order to reacclimate him with the diocese and parochial life in the Diocese of Columbus. Eventually the hope is that he will be able to function as an active priest in our diocese. However, during this time of probation and formation he will be functioning in the parish like our other seminarians have (visiting the school, parishioners, homebound, hospitals, etc., giving talks on occasion, doing many things but not yet able to celebrate the sacraments). We look forward to his time with us.

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